Amanda Reed Memorial Joins Feed the Frontline
April 20, 2020
The Jaimie Cox Foundation, Greg Lindmark Foundation, Amanda Reed Memorial and Blue 815 have gotten together in these times. The thought was how can we help.
If you don’t know many of these bars and restaurants give to all of unselfishly through out the year without them we could never get the funds through fundraisers. So we all donated to the initial 8500.00 .We can support theses bars and restaurants and also give thanks to the first responders, We have been buying $10.00 gift cards .
We have been able to reach some but are far from reaching them all. We know these are difficult times but even a $10.00 donation will help 1 restaurant or bar and 1 first responder.. These are all 501c3 so any donation is tax deductible. You can donate through operation feed the frontline or directly with any of these organizations . we have donation button on we feel it is important 911 calls during this time are on the rise for domestic as you can imagine with the covid-19 added stress. Thanks everyone we love you and stay safe.